Urban, Regional and International Economics
We form the interface between the faculties of economics and spatial planning. Our teaching as well as our research covers economic topics at the local, regional and international level.
Our team conducts research in the areas of regional disparities, regional development, spatial distribution of economic activity, agglomeration economies, migration, peer effects, learning and knowledge diffusion, creative and cultural production (e.g., art auctions/markets, literature, science, economics), international trade in goods and services, and digitization.
If you are interested in writing a thesis at our professorship, you can find more information about our ongoing research and process in the areas of research and teaching on this website.
Latest news
Master's thesis at our chair receives TMC prize
Website under construction
New Publication of Vanessa Hellwig
Felix Dornseifer @ 2nd European Sustainable Finance PhD Workshop in Augsburg
Vanessa Hellwig @ Regional Studies Association Conference 2024
Congratulations Maren Kaliske
Two dissertation awards at the chairs of URI and Finance
URI Team @ FJURI Workshop 2023
Success in acquiring third-party funding for new teaching formats
The Innovation in Higher Education Foundation supports the implementation of new, innovative teaching formats. The project idea of the team from the…
DGF Conference 2023
ETSG Conference 2023
First Publication of Maren Kaliske
Welcome: Gerrit Köchling
The URI Chair is happy to announce that Gerrit Köchling from now on supports the URI professorship.