News from Professorship
Welcome: Gerrit Köchling
The URI Chair is happy to announce that Gerrit Köchling from now on supports the URI professorship.
KoMet Dissertation Award goes to Vanessa Hellwig
We congratulate Vanessa Hellwig on the award of the "KoMet Förderpreis" for her dissertation. Her dissertation "Tranformation, Digitisation and the…
Congratulations Yvonne Muchitsch (PhD)
We would like to congratulate Yvonne Muchtisch on the successful completion and publication of her dissertation "Impact of Art Exhibitions, Museum…
Spatial Planning: Introduction to Economics (Micro/Macro)
The lecture "Introduction to Economics" for Spatial Planning will take place exclusively online in winter semester 23/24. The corresponding Moodle…
New Publication of Vanessa Hellwig
Congratulations to Vanessafor publishing her paper "Shoulders and shadows of giants: intra-regional distribution of the digital industry in Germany"…
The URI Academic Writing Workshop will take place this semester on October 20 and November 03 2023.
PhD positions available
The RTG "Regional Disparities and Economic Policy" is again looking for four PhD students starting in October 2023.
Application deadline is…
Guest lecture on Planning procedures and residential neighborhood development - 07.12.2022 9-12am
On the 7th of December we organize a guest lecture with a business partner from the real estate industry on the topic "Planning procedures and…
Annual RTG 2484 Retreat
On October 17 and 18, the annual RTG Retreat of the Research Training Group "RTG 2484 - Regional Disparities & Economic Policy" took place in…
URI Team @ FJURI Workshop
Together with the Chair of Finance and the ZB Business Law, a research workshop was held for the first time this October at the University of Catania.…
Congratulations Vanessa Hellwig
On Oct. 11, Vanessa Hellwig became the first in the history of the URI professorship to pass her doctorate, which was awarded summa cum laude with…
New Publication of Vanessa Hellwig
Congratulations to Vanessa Hellwig for her first publication. We are happy to announce that Vanesssa published her paper "Digital gravity? Firm birth…