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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften


  WiWi-Master RP-Master
Modul: URI I Modul 3
Semester: SoSe SoSe
Umfang / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits 2 SWS / 4 Credits
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar Seminar
Prüfungsart: Seminararbeit Seminararbeit
Sprache: Englisch Englisch
Bewerbung: Onlinebewerbung Onlinebewerbung
Beginn: kein Angebot im SoSe 2025 08.04.2025
Termin / Raum: tba Dienstag, 14-15.30, GB I R.434
DozentInnen: tba Prof. C. Hellmanzik


In this course we are going to define and analyse various aspects of globalisation. In doing so, the students can largely decide which dimensions they find most topical at the moment. Ultimately, we want to carry out an empirical project in student groups on a topic to be chosen by the students.

Potential areas of interest could be:

  • Global migration flows and reasons for migration
  • De-industrialisation in the Western economies and the rise of the Asian tigers 
  • International capital flows and their role for growth and development 
  • The role of cities and regions in a globally acting economy 
  • Political aspects of economic development
  • What does globalisation mean for labour markets? 
  • Why are some countries still so poor? 
  • Anything which you find of interest in this context
